I apologize for the long leave of absence. Lets see, where did I leave off… Right, got back from Sweden at the end of April. AMAZNG trip!
Since then I had a couple weeks of living like a normal person which included 3 solid days of sleep, and then another week of a little partying and more lying around the house.
On May 5th I took off to Kamloops and managed to get a short week of mountain biking in. It was a lot of fun and nice to have a change of sport for a bit.

Then On May 10th I went right into my first on snow camp in Sliver Star, BC. Just to clarify, I am once again training with the Alberta World Cup Academy for the year. It worked out great for me last year, so I am very excited that I get the opportunity once again. This year the team has expanded to 20 people!
Silver Star had superb conditions, and much to my surprise I wasn’t all that sick of skiing, and compared to the previous year I was in a LOT better shape!

For the last month or so I’ve mostly been hanging around Canmore, getting back into training with a little bit of work thrown in at a local outdoor shop. I’ve also had some fun “playing” in the Rocky Mountains, which included a lot of mountain biking and some rock climbing as well. I still can't believe how much I love living out here. The things you can do are endless and it is absolutely gorgeous!

This week we will be completing testing and setting the ground for how the next few months will play out. I will look at my weaknesses and figure out what will be the best way to improve.
Until next time, enjoy the sun and be active!