Here is also a video on the loop:
CBC Frozen Thunder
Here are some photos so far from the camp: Roller Skiing at Soldier Hollow, sight of 2002 Olympis
Out on a run one afternoon through the hills and valleys around Park CIty
The last couple months have been packed full of training. For most of September I was training down in Wisconsin. I trained hard, and accomplished a lot. Here are some photos from that camp:
Doing some speed work on roller skis
Jason Cork working with Jessie on technique
VO2 MAx Testing
Leading a Mobility Warm Up during a session with the local "Ski and Tea" woman's group
Unfortunately I caught a cold my last week there which meant that I was unable to race the Birkie Trail Run, but ran it as an easy workout instead, and took some photos along the way... :)
Teammates Santi and Carolyn warming up for the race